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The residential developments vary in size and shape these include when you sub divide the backyard of your existing property through to demolishing an existing dwelling and creating multiple building lots.

The requirements to service these development types can vary significantly depending on the size, shape, location, number of lots and configuration as well as the network proximity to the development.

With so many variables to consider, significant costs and delays can occur with out proper management and understanding of the process.

Let CCG3 take the complexity away and manage your telecommunication services to ensure that these costs and delays to not occur.



All MDU buildings including residential apartments or mixed residential/commercial buildings now require fibre ready cable pathways to be installed throughout the building and into each unit or tenancy. For this to happen, an approved fibre ready cable pathway design must be provided. As one of Australia’s first accredited nbn pathway designers we can assist you with your building design requirements and work with your engineers to achieve the spatial requirements for the MDF/Comms Room and building risers which if overlooked can be difficult and costly to resolve.

Through our partners, CCG3 can also provide alternative and complimentary solutions to nbn which can ensure Guaranteed service connection when the first customer moves in and other integrated service capabilities ie: Pay TV and FTA.

Ask CCG3 about alternatives to NBN and the benefits of using our partner carriers in your apartment.


Commercial Developments

The requirements in a commercial development differ from residential apartment buildings and broad acre estates in terms of design and construction specifications and regulations.

As one of Australia’s first accredited nbn pit and pipe designers and constructors we can assist you with your commercial design requirements and work with you, your engineers and your builder to prevent any costly delays or re work whereby achieving Practical completion sooner resulting in statement of compliance being issued ahead of time.

CCG3 can help with all areas in a commercial development so if you would like more information on these services contact us now,