Whether your subdividing your house block, developing a new residential estate, constructing an apartment building or a commercial estate including factories or an office complex, we can help you through the whole process.
Telecommunications technology, infrastructure and service requirements are changing. The Victorian Government has been working with the Commonwealth’s Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) to review and upgrade the associated statutory controls and regulations.
Amendment VC81 , introduced on 18 February 2013, amends the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP) to simplify the planning processes associated with the delivery of telecommunications facilities in new subdivisions. So, what does this all mean?
Basically, the owner of the land (developer) needs to enter into an agreement with a telecommunications network provider (Carrier) for the provision of a telecommunications service to each lot; and the owner of the land (developer) needs to enter into an agreement with a suitably qualified person for the provision of fibre ready telecommunications facilities to each lot. Written evidence needs to be provided to council before Statement of Compliance can be issued. This evidence is usually provided in the form of a Provisioning Confirmation letter (from the Carrier) and Forms 1&2 provided by a suitably qualified person.
Still not quite clear?
Let’s simplify the process and detail how CCG3 can assist you.
2 - 3 LOTS
pain free provisioning
Within Victoria, CCG3 has been involved with providing telecommunications compliance to councils since the inception of VPP Advisory Note 49 - VC81 (Telecommunications services and Facilities in Sub divisions) in February 2013 (which really means we understand the complexities and what is required to achieve compliance for developments). Offering solutions to speed up the compliance process. If its Forms 1&2 and or a Provisioning Letter you need, we can arrange this for you through our Pain Free Provisioning Process which includes:
Registering your development with NBN;
Providing a service plan;
Liaising with you builder;
A Site inspection;
Construction (if required); and
Certification (Forms 1 & 2 and Provisioning letter).
click and connect
Whilst the CCG3 Click and Connect Process is similar to the processes followed with smaller 2 to 3 lot developments, if your development consist of four (4) or more lots, the process to achieve Statement of Compliance is significantly different as you must achieve Practical Completion.
NBN requires that:
Service plans are designed in AutoCAD;
installation of the pit and pipe infrastructure must be compliant with the Communications Alliance G645 (Fibre Ready Pit and Pipe Specifications);
finished ground levels have been established and completed;
All completed to NBN standards; and
Works be done by accredited contractors.
Apartments (MDU)
MDU made easy
All MDU buildings including residential apartments or mixed residential/commercial buildings now require fibre ready cable pathways to be installed throughout the building and into each unit or tenancy. For this to happen, an approved fibre ready cable pathway design must be provided. As one of Australia’s first accredited nbn pathway designer, we can assist you with your building design requirements and work with your engineers to achieve the spatial requirements for the MDF/Comms Room and building risers which if overlooked can be difficult and costly to resolve.
We have solutions for all stages of the development and can assist in multiple facets to ensure timing delivery and that nothing is overlooked
broad acre estates
total solution packages
As one of the first nbn accredited/trained designers of pit and pipe infrastructure and MDU cable pathways in Australia, CCG3 will assess your development through collaboration with you, your builder or engineering consultants, we will provide you with a best practice, cost effective design that will not only meet nbn’s requirements but also take into consideration all other utilities so as to minimise the work required on site. Once our designs are approved, we will issue you with “For Construction” drawings. In addition to our design service, we can also provide the construction of the pit and pipe infrastructure. This enables us to fast track through the design and construction process, resolve any conflicts with other utilities assets including any offset or alignment issues and achieve practical completion ahead of schedule.